Anya Truskolaska
"ALCHEMIA" - Anya Truskolaska, painting exhibition at 3u10 gallery

Data rozpoczęcia:


Data zakończenia:



The exhibition kicks off on July 7, at 6:00 pm with an opening, and after the opening, guests will be treated to a special surprise – a LIVE ART art performance!

Informacja o wystawie:

Opening: July 07, 2023, at 6:00 pm
🗓 Exhibition duration: 07 July – 11 August 2023
🕑 Exhibition opening hours:
  • Monday-Friday: 12:00-20:00
  • Saturday: 10:00-18:00
  • Sunday: closed
  • The gallery is not open every week the same way, so in addition, please pay attention to the gallery’s working calendar
🎟 Admission: FREE

📍 Location: Gallery 3U10 (ul. Jana Karola Chodkiewicza 3 lok. u10, 02-593 Warsaw, Mokotów)


From the very beginning, painting has been a way for me to find light in the reality around me and inside myself – a transformation of the outside world and the feelings and emotions coming from inside me, into something magical, with its own raison d’être.

Alchemy is not only an ancient science trying to fathom the secrets of the cosmos and discover the secret of transmutation of metals into gold. From the artist’s point of view, it is primarily a universal truth about human existence and the search for light in the darkness. It is a personal journey into the depths of one’s own soul, from the darkest part of our subconscious to the truth and beauty of existence. Even the darkest human experiences can be transformed into noble matter.

Through creation I try to reach the essence of the truth about myself and the world around me. This alchemical process of constant search is the meaning of existence for me.

After the vernissage, a special surprise awaits guests – an art performance by LIVE ART!

LIVE ART by Anya & Davide is an artistic project by Anna Truskolaska and Davide Canepa based on live painting in public spaces. Referring to Abstract Expressionism, the performance by the Polish-Italian artist couple begins on a blank canvas and goes beyond the visible. In the form of jazz improvisation, evocative images will be created before the eyes of the audience, portraying the emotions of the evening.

For those of you who choose to take art home with you….

On this one night only, freshly painted paintings will be available for purchase at a special price!

Details in the 3u10 Gallery :)


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