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Informacja o artyście:

Artist, born in 1966 in Stawiszyn. A graduate of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and the Pedagogical and Artistic Institute in Kalisz. She received painting education in the studio of prof. Andrzej Niekrasz.

Most often she creates oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings. In addition to artistic work, since 2004 she has been working as a teacher of art and technical and artistic classes at the School Complex in Stawiszyn. In recent years, she has been working mainly in the area of ​​abstraction, using an explosion of colors and light and creating the illusion of space. In art, she likes spontaneity and experimentation. Its goal is to formulate a language of abstraction that would be intergenerational and timeless. She is also fascinated by the relationship between man and nature, which manifests itself in the themes of her works – abstractions inspired by botany and the natural world. She suggests that the emotional connection of man as a thinking being with nature and its proximity evokes associations, emotions and memories. It often moves you deeply, and at the same time fills you with power, gives you the energy needed to live in harmony with nature. Her 30-year artistic experience was full of exhibitions that proved that abstract art can be an emotional bond for many generations.

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