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Informacja o artyście:

Artist, graduate of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, majoring in Interior Design, where she also studied painting and drawing. Since 2002 active member of the Association of Visual Arts Artists Triada and one of the founders of this association. As part of its activity, she took part in numerous group and individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad.

As part of her artistic activity, she creates painting cycles on various topics inspired mainly by her experiences and interpersonal relationships. Another source of inspiration for her are various historical styles and their characteristics. She is focused on continuous development, constantly looking for new forms of implementation, learning new techniques. She wants not to limit himself to working within only one subject or technique, but rather to experiment and broaden her horizons as an artist.

Her paintings have been published in the album “Artists of the Piaseczyński County” and “Artyści Konstancin”.

Major individual and group exhibitions: Individual exhibition at the Cultural Center in Konstancin (2002), Exhibition “Strength of Femininity” at the headquarters of the Better Leaders Academy in Warsaw, Exhibition of contemporary art “Reflections of friendship without borders” – Netherlands m. Leifschendam Vooburg, Czech Republic m. Hranice, in USA m. Temecula, California (2005-2006).

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