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Informacja o artyście:


Paintress, born in 1976 in Warsaw. A graduate of the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, in 2004 she received a diploma under the supervision of prof. Marian Czapla. She completed the annex to the diploma in the studio of Wall Painting Technology and Techniques under the supervision of prof. Edward Tarkowski. In 2019, she received the title of Doctor of Arts in the field of Art in the discipline of Visual Arts and Conservation of Works of Art. Participant of several dozen group exhibitions and 12 individual exhibitions.

The main motif of her works are the shapes of buildings and the surroundings of Warsaw’s Zacisze. As the artist admits, ordinary houses, tin garages, gates, sometimes they become signs in my paintings. Many of the houses I painted exist, although Zacisze is changing. Her art is strongly rooted in Warsaw’s everyday life, which the artist fragmentarily transfers to her canvases. Her art is a kind of chronicle, as Mrozowska constantly tries to capture the changing surroundings of Zacisze, as well as respond to contemporary political events: The houses that I paint are a record of the changes that take place in Zacisze and are a personal archive of places close to me. While working on the painting, the houses become signs, pictograms that take on a new meaning. I am connected with the place, i.e. Retreat, but also with the time in which I live, which is why I am not indifferent to events that are happening in Poland or in the world, such events sometimes leave their mark on my paintings. Among the most important artistic inspirations, Mrozowska lists e.g. artists of the Polish poster school, Pablo Picasso, the treatment of color in the works of Marek Rothko, sculptures by Magdalena Abakanowicz, unistic paintings by Władysław Strzemiński, figures by Jan Lebenstein, and assemblages by Władysław Hasior.


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