Wzrost wartosci prac tego artysty w ciagu ostatnich 12 miesiecy: 25%
Artist painter, born in 1937. in Rokic, died in 2022. in Warsaw.
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the painting department under Artur Nacht-Samborski. He graduated in 1964. He took an active part in artistic life. He participated in many plein-airs and symposiums.
In his work, he placed figures on the Mazovian landscape, which is present in all his oeuvre and which he never abandoned. The figures naturally grow out of the ground, being its extension or creating an inseparable part of the landscape. The paintings contain motifs taken from romantic literature as well as characters and symbolic animals.
Artist about himself:
“I was born in the Mazovian region just before dusk. In a land that is intense in its subjectivity. This is enough to preserve its existence in a certain range of spirituality. It follows from this that I am not threatened by the multiplicity of choices in the magma of trends and postmodern irony. I am integrated into a certain system of unity, into a certain harmony. They protect me from the seductive whispers of destruction. For this, I am condemned to constantly experiencing and saving these acquired values that were shaped in childhood, a fearful period of sensations, revelations and direct vision. But now these experiences are permeated with fear and melancholy. Here is my biography. “
Award„Artyści w Międzynarodowym Roku Dziecka” in Zachęcie (1979)
Polish-Japanese Award Miyauchi (1995)
Award of the Mayor of Warsaw at the Exhibition of Paintings and Graphics by Warsaw Artists at Zachęta (1985)
The award Władysława Hasiora (2011)
Nomination for the Norwid Award (2012)
The award Kazimierza Ostrowskiego (2017)
The award Jana Cybisa (2021)
Gold Medal for Merit to Culture Gloria Artis
Twoje konto zostało pomyślnie utworzone 😊
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