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Informacja o artyście:

Born 1987 in Katowice, Poland

She defended her diploma at the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice in 2011. An artist for whom the overriding role in her paintings is played by color, which leads the narrative and emotional game with the viewer. From beneath the layers of pure, cold and vibrant colors, he reveals themes that introduce reverie. The topics he is after are primarily human characters. She is very much influenced by the topic of women in culture, their rights and image. His work reflects what shades of today’s socio-cultural turmoil.
For years she has worked beautifying Silesian homes with Danish and Polish design, and today she devotes herself entirely to creating and promoting art among the local community.
Participant in Silesian art festivals: the High Art Festival in Bytom and Art Naif organized at the Wilson Shaft Gallery in Katowice.
Her works have been presented in Warsaw, Katowice, Bytom, Dominice near Wroclaw and the seaside town Mechelinki. The artist’s paintings are in private collections in Poland and Switzerland.


2019 Bytom, Festival of the High Art
2020 Dominice, exhibition of works created at the plein-air art event
2020 Katowice, Art Naif Festival
in Galery Szybu Willson
2021 Dominice, exhibition of works created at the plein-air art event
2021 Bytom, Festival of High Art, Stalowe Anioły Gallery
2022 Bytom, Festival of High Art, Stalowe Anioły Gallery
2023 Mechelinki, exhibition of works created at the plein-air art event in Nawrot Vineyard Wine Museum
2023 Katowice, Face2Face Business Campus group exhibition
2023/2024 Warszawa, The Feminine Side of Art, Defabryka

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