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Born in France in 1994, Polish mother, Italian father.

He grew up in Lorraine, on the border with Luxembourg, and lived there until 2015, when he went to study in Lyon (France).

He became interested in art at a very young age. He drew like any other child, but this quickly turned into a need to create, which he developed as a teenager and which has not left him to this day. He started painting when he first encountered street art and met graffiti. As a 14-year-old, he became fascinated with photography, at the same time his adventure with the guitar began, “I learned to play by myself when my dad got a guitar as a gift from my mom.” In 2015, he left the family home to pursue a Master of Science in Management and Finance at Emlyon Business School (Lyon, France), graduating in 2021.

However, he never gave up his passion for art. Throughout his studies, he painted and dealt with photography and music. During these years he has also been lucky enough to live in various amazing places such as; Bali, Indonesia in 2016, Shanghai in 2018. It helped him get to know the diversity and cultural richness of these worlds, and also contributed to a significant expansion of artistic horizons. After graduation, he devoted himself entirely to painting.

In 2022, he decided to move to Warsaw to join his future wife.

DADOU’s paintings are in private collections in France, Luxembourg and Belgium.

Dadou about his work:

“Currently, my first urban inspirations are still present in my work, they gradually moved towards a more abstract approach, but in recent months I have returned to a more figurative style. My inspirations include the paradoxes that surround us in modern society (from the place of the individual in the hyper connected world to the essence of the bonds that bind people together) as well as more personal feelings and emotions, such as the fleetingness of a moment in a world that never seems to take a break, or finding one’s place as an individual in our society. a testament to what it’s like to live and thrive in today’s world.”


Individual exhibitions:

2022 – “Od wczesnego streetartu abstrakcyjnego do introspekcji figuratywnej.” – Momu (Warszawa).

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