
Wzrost wartosci prac tego artysty w ciagu ostatnich 12 miesiecy: 25%

Informacja o artyście:

Paintress and fashion designer, born in 1977 in Łódź. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź at the Faculty of Textile Design in the Department of Textile and Clothing in 2005. She creates with passion in the field of painting, sculpture and stone. Professionally, she designs natural stone forms, and in her spare time she devotes herself entirely to her greatest passion – painting.

She distributes paint on canvas not only with a brush and spatula, as traditional artists do, but also with various other tools, such as rulers. Thickly applied colors of oil paint mixing with each other on canvas is a characteristic feature of her painting. According to Zielińska-Misiun, the use of this painting technique allows her to create unpredictable, surprising visual and structural effects, which makes her works unique. Due to their texture, it is recommended to contemplate her works up close.
Zielińska-Misiun creates abstract canvases in which she raises the issue of the female figure. The illusory figures depicted in the paintings, seen through the eyes of the imagination, are immortalized in various situations and poses by expressively applied paint on the canvas. At the same time, the artist creates cityscapes in which the unique way of applying paint allows her to build incredible depth and perspective, and the architecture immortalized on them gains the illusion of three-dimensionality.

The artist’s works often feature a metaphor, a game of imagination, tools change, and apart from color, their structure is also dominant. The images take us on a safe journey, prompting us to relax and rest.

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