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Paintress, interior designer, lives and works in Warsaw. Aleksandra graduated with honors from the Faculty of Interior Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. She has been designing interiors for years, but she always found time for painting. In 2010, she opened Art Studio and since then she has divided her professional work between these two passions.

In her paintings, the influences of expressionism and colorism are visible. They are characterized by quick brush strokes, unevenly applied layers of paint or interpenetrating patches of color. Aleksandra confesses that this dynamism and emphasis on preserving emotions are the key elements of her work. At the same time, it is thanks to the strong emotional charge and restless brushstrokes that it is impossible to take your eyes off the women in Hajdas-Rutkowska’s canvases. The heroines of her paintings are both challenging and completely defenseless women. Despite the impression of distance created by their looks and silhouettes, they reveal not only their bodies but also their souls to the viewer. This confrontation, which is an extremely cathartic artistic experience, is the essence and main strength of Hajdas-Rutkowska’s works.

Recent individual and group exhibitions: “3U10” Gallery (Warsaw), “SCHODY” Gallery (Warsaw), “SD” Gallery (Warsaw), “Artistic Pool” (Warsaw), “Minelli” Gallery (Krakow).
Over 60 of her works are in private collections in Poland and abroad, in countries such as Russia, Hungary, Germany and Italy.

“In my paintings, I primarily reflect emotions. I always create in a hurry, I try to capture the transience of the moment on the canvas, hence the expression and dynamics that I think characterize my works. Most paintings tell a story. They talk about sadness, loss, joy, suffering. In fact, it is my emotions that create it, I only paint, although it happens that there is only a sensual figure of a woman in the picture. My inspiration is often a frame from a movie, a random person I meet on the street, sometimes I do photo sessions if I plan to paint a series. It happens that the whole image is born in my head under the influence of emotions.”.

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