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His artistic pseudonym originates from his last name and middle name. He was born in 1993 in Węgrów, and he began his creative journey in 2017. Adamski’s oil paintings evoke a sense of elevation and a unique silence that he infuses into his works, crafting his own message through simple cubist forms that seamlessly blend, creating interconnected visual fragments. The fragmentary nature of his works gives the impression of readiness for immediate transformations, where carefully chosen color spots usually transition subtly from dark to light hues, becoming an integral whole. In many of his pieces, the artist presents us with motifs related to symbols rooted in modern iconography, as well as meticulously selected collections of symbols and references to Western culture. The creator adeptly combines realistic motifs with abstraction, often adding primitive-inspired details to facilitate the reception of his message within the entirety of the artwork.


Adamski also extends beyond the boundaries of painting. Since 2021, he has been creating intricate artistic installations in the form of sculptures, made from metal parts that combine the delicacy of wire and morphic shapes with the brutality and simplicity of incorporated metal fragments. The wire allows the artist to smoothly mold forms, creating a kind of plasticity within the context of firmness and continuity, strongly associated with his painting. Amidst this pervasive elevation, there is room for unease, suffering, tension, but also for the beauty of humanity, the quest for beauty as evidence of the existence of the Absolute. The pursuit of illusory forms, the fragmentation of the human body, subtle play of light, and at the same time, austerity and minimalism, all of this is intended to aid in their interpretation.

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