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Informacja o artyście:

Paintress, born in 1977 in Białystok. A graduate of the University of Gdańsk, where she studied history and the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, majoring in painting. In 2021, she obtained a PhD degree in fine arts and conservation of works of art at the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom.

The series of paintings – “Images of Water” are the works on which the artist’s doctoral dissertation was based, which she recently defended at the Faculty of Art of the UTH in Radom. A set of organic abstract paintings has been composed of almost stripe systems that smoothly interpenetrate each other and create new content of patches of white, black and grey. In them, the artist presents a strong contrast of basic colors, typical of drawing rather than painting.

The blurring and undefined shapes can be intuitively attributed to the mobility of the observed nature. At the same time, the captured fluidity and imprecision of the presented forms influences the openness to multiple interpretations that the artist offers to the viewer. The works pose a question about the nature of seemingly familiar things, which, after being filtered through the artist’s mind, present themselves in a completely new light – uncertainly and with distance, like newly met characters.

The artist takes part in exhibitions in Poland and abroad, organizes and participates in numerous artistic events. She is also a co-organizer of the Hokuspokus Association of Artists and the 81 degrees Gallery in Warsaw. In addition to creative activity, he deals with cultural education.

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