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Informacja o artyście:

Artist, born in 1986 in Mysłowice. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź; department: Textiles and Clothing. Diploma work carried out in the painting studio of dr hab. Kamil Kuskowski and in the fabric printing studio of prof. Krystyna Czajkowska. Participant of numerous national individual and collective exhibitions. Laureate of the Young Art Biennale “Rybie Oko 6” and the scholarship competition “Artistic Index of Hestia”.

Sabina Fabryczny is a paintress fascinated by light and the possibilities it offers to the artist and the viewer at the same time. Her paintings emanate an inner glow that makes the elements of the canvas vibrate before the viewer’s eyes and seem to be alive.

Sabina’s still lifes, which are one of her favorite subjects, are set on the border between representation and abstraction. The surface of the artist’s canvases is usually composed as a whole using one or two dominant colors. This creates unity and offers clarity of such a representation, and the use of glaze allows you to extract depth and spatiality from the surface of the image.

In addition to painting, the artist also draws.

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