Wzrost wartosci prac tego artysty w ciagu ostatnich 12 miesiecy: 25%

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The beginnings of my painting passion date back to early childhood. For as long as I can remember, my main occupation has been drawing or painting. The work of my parents definitely helped me to develop my artistic passion. Dad is an architect, and mum is an artist, graduated from the painting department at the Warsaw Academy. Surrounded by art and artists, I was building the belief that I would soon join their ranks. Of course, I chose to study painting, first in Warsaw, then in Vienna.

However, life has shown that plans and dreams change. My artistic passion went off course and anchored itself in the Bay of Oblivion for a few years.
And at that time I found myself in the world of media and television. I graduated from the journalism department and began my television adventure, which lasted almost twenty years. During that time, I hosted many TV shows and conducted hundreds of interviews. It seemed to me that I had found my calling. And that’s definitely what I want to do.

However, life once again showed that you can only plan a second breakfast After giving birth to two daughters, I came to the conclusion that I don’t really want to go back to TV and I have to come up with a different way for myself. And then slowly, slowly, it dawned on me that what I really love to do is paint. A bit timidly at first, but I started to pull up the anchor, then spread the sails and sail out of the Bay of Oblivion.
I have been painting for several years and I am happy. I realized that the most important thing is not to drown out your passion, but to remain faithful to it. Because passion defines us.

I would describe my painting as energetically positive. I’m going crazy with colors. I avoid negative emotions. Just like in life, I try to look for and create only positive messages in art.
Characteristic of my painting are graphic circles – hyptotic circles – as my friend once aptly described it. Circles have been present in my painting for a very long time. It is even difficult for me to define the moment when I introduced them to my work.
Somehow they still stick to me. I have the impression that each circle is a never-ending cycle. Some story, closed with a circular movement of the brush.

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