
Data rozpoczęcia:


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The exhibition begins on May 20 at 4:00 pm with an opening, during which guests will have the opportunity to meet the author of the presented works in person and admire the exhibition in her company. Entry to the event is free.

Informacja o wystawie:


🥂 Opening: 20 May 2023, 4:00 pm
🗓 Duration of the exhibition: May 20 – June 16, 2023
🕑 Exhibition opening hours:
  • Monday-Friday: 12:00-20:00
  • Saturday: 10:00-18:00
  • Sunday: closed
  • The gallery is not open every week the same way, so in addition, please pay attention to the gallery’s working calendar
🎟 Admission: FREE

📍 Location: Galeria 3U10 (ul. Jana Karola Chodkiewicza 3 lok. u10, 02-593 Warszawa, Mokotów)

A few words about the exhibition:

The snow is beginning to melt,
With a stick I dug a big river
At my gate
Issa (1763 – 1826)

The wild current of the river, the irrepressible wave, the shimmering surface of the ocean in the light, which hides the
fullness of life.
I saw these images many years ago.
In my mind, the snow was “melting” to transform into Flow and Energy in great power.
I am taking a step forward… This is my story of transgression. About the moment of transition from the obvious
world to the world of Nature, in which water is a living organism, thinking, feeling
and moving. It invites me deep into itself and allows me to influence it, establishing an intuitive
I talk to the water.
I sense its movement. I sense its stillness.
It is strong.
I let go of control. I join her and in a way – I become her. I can feel how it affects
my inner States of Concentration.
This feeling cannot be compared to anything else. After all, I am water. Each of us is made of water.
It moves us, sometimes freezes us, speaks out in irrepressible emotions.
Water flows continuously. It transforms itself and does not remain the same for
a single moment. It is alive.

My paintings are fragments of a world that is constantly changing. It is not easy to stop the Flow and
Energy, that’s why, gliding my brush across the cotton canvases, I kept trying to remember that in just a
second the water from my painting will drain away, it will be in a completely different place.
I look at the deep blue painting.
I wonder… where is the water now that I stopped for a split second?
At whose gate is it flowing out with the power of the great river? Whom will it move today?
Whose house has just been awakened to life…?

Haiku: Issa, translation: Czeslaw Milosz


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