Joanna Gorgolewska - W ARCHIKOLORZE - Facebook zdjęcie w tle
W ARCHI KOLORZE - Joanna Gorgolewska solo exhibition

Data rozpoczęcia:

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Data zakończenia:

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The vernissage is always an excellent opportunity to meet the author of the presented works and his point of view on his own work.

Informacja o wystawie:

Information about the exhibition:

Opening: April 3, 2025, 7:00 p.m.

. Exhibition duration: April 3-24, 2025

. Exhibition opening hours:
  • Monday-Friday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Saturday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Sunday: closed
  • please note the gallery’s working calendar on the START page

. Location: Gallery 3U10 (ul. Jana Karola Chodkiewicza 3 lok. u10, 02-593 Warsaw, Mokotów)

The painter studied design at the Tchaikovsky University of Arts Magdaleny Abakanowicz in Poznań. She transferred the playfulness of form to the field of painting, which turned out to be her greatest passion. She creates acrylic paintings inspired by architecture, which she describes as architectural abstraction. What inspires her most in architecture is the possibility of interpreting and separating its forms at will, which allows her to build new, unlimited compositions. She loves color in painting. In her paintings, she breaks it down into a myriad of tones, creating quaint cities in which she experiments with perspective in addition to playing with color. In addition to painting, he does interior design at his family studio in Poznań.



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