



acrylic on canvas

Rok powstania:

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60x50 cm



Cena: zł
Price: zł

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Kilka słów od Autora

A few words from the Author

My dream is of vibrant cities dominated by lush, vivid greenery. This dream was inspired by Friedensreich Hundertwasser, an Austrian architect born in 1928—an activist, dreamer, and talented painter-colorist who organized protests against the "rationalization of architecture." He opposed the depressing grayness and cold, unwelcoming concrete that have overtaken modern European cities. His colorful Hundertwasserhaus is one of Vienna's most beautiful and unusual landmarks. The whimsical, colorful cancer hospitals for children he designed fill my heart with joy and inspire me to be a worthy successor to Hundertwasser’s vision.

This is what Curablanca Magica is about—a colorful, green-dream city inhabited by vibrant, bird-like beings.

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