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Artist born in 1979 in Gdynia. He lives in Warsaw and has his painting studio here.

She is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, where she received her master’s degree in the painting studio of Professor Hugo Lasecki.

Travel, the new places she has learned through them, the tastes, smells, observation of nature and architecture are her inspirations. Modern painting is a form of expression that allows the artist to let her imagination run wild, express herself, and show the world as seen through her eyes. The interpretation of her work is never obvious and unambiguous, it stimulates the senses of the viewer and inspires.

Painting is her great passion. Each of the images created is very personal and unique. His works depict a world full of intense colors, definite forms and abstract shapes. The images may evoke memories or be dreams of what might yet happen.

The technique in which the artist creates is acrylic and pastels on canvas. Painting with acrylic paints allows her to obtain a beautiful, saturated range of colors and interesting form and texture.

He is a co-participant in the Prześwit project, which is a collective cultural institution created as part of the original program of the Prześwit Foundation. Cooperates with Auction Houses and Contemporary Art Galleries



VI.2021 group exhibition entitled. “Internal States” inaugurating the opening of Prześwit (exhibition curator Karolina Kliszewska)

XII.2021 a group exhibition of the Artists of the Causeway included in the theme of the main exhibition “Conception” at the Prześwit Gallery The event “Inner States” is a cyclical form that shows the transformation of the place and the attitudes of the artists who make the Prześwit

III.2022 exhibition at the Oxygen Gallery as part of the Dream Auction, which is a social project aimed at popularizing Polish contemporary art and raising funds for the Mam Marzenie Foundation

V.2022 group exhibition belonging to the series “Internal States” at the Prześwit Gallery

III-IV.2023 Exhibition at the Station of Art Gallery as part of the Dream Auction, which is a social project aimed at popularizing Polish contemporary art and raising funds for the Mam Marzenie Foundation

V.2023 Participation in the Prze_Twory event. Deep into the world of the Creators of the Prześwit, or Museum Night at the Prześwit.

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