Wzrost wartosci prac tego artysty w ciagu ostatnich 12 miesiecy: 25%

Informacja o artyście:

The artist born in 1985 in Glogow.

Between 2008 and 2012, she studied at the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts named after Eugeniusz Geppert in Wrocław.

She received a diploma in easel painting in the studio of Prof. Krzysztofa Wałaszka.

She mainly works in painting, but in his artistic pursuits he also reaches into the areas of drawing and photography.

She participates in exhibitions and auctions, recent ones include:

– participation in the 21st Century Art Auction at the Contemporary Art Gallery
101 Project Warsaw
– Participation in the 24th Collector’s Auction at Bohema Gallery New
Art Warsaw.
– painting exhibition at “Forum Spaces” Krakow
– painting exhibition at “Zatoka Sztuki” Sopot
– painting exhibition at the Gallery ” Bald Penguin” Warsaw
– participation in the international competition YICCA Italy
– painting exhibition at the Gallery “Under the Dog” of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw
– painting exhibition at the Gallery of Creative Education of the Glogow MOK

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