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Informacja o artyście:


Artist, born in 1952. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw at the Faculty of Graphic Arts in the studio of Leszek Hołdanowicz. In 1977 she received her diploma with the Rector’s distinction.

Maria Janiga is active in the field of painting, drawing, ceramics, graphics, applied graphics (computer graphics), spatial forms (papier-mache) and exhibitions.

She belongs to the Positive ART Creative Group, and has been a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers since graduation.

The artist’s paintings and posters can be found, among others, in the Poster Museum in Wilanów and numerous private collections.

Participant of numerous collective exhibitions, including: Fiber Art, ZPAP Warsaw, 2019; Improvisation, ZPAP Warsaw, 2018; Your Art Maison Gallery, Grand Opening, Warsaw, 2018 and author of individual exhibitions in Poland and abroad, the most important of which are: “Luminescences – Monotypes”, Galeria 022, Warsaw, 2018; Art Colony, Zalesie Dolne, 2017; Gallery “Inna” Warsaw, 2015; Gallery 13, Warsaw, 2015; Abakus Gallery, Warsaw, 2012.

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