Wzrost wartosci prac tego artysty w ciagu ostatnich 12 miesiecy: 25%
Born in 1988 in Oława, she describes herself as an artist from birth.
For twenty-nine years she has been looking for an artistic way of expressing herself to finally resonate in acrylic painting on canvas. At first, it was very expressive and colorful, just like the artist’s character. Over the years, they have been placed at the opposite pole, peace and quiet, which, as she says, is a counterweight to herself.
Soothing colors of the earth, delicate drops embedded in a characteristic structure, all integrated in nature Nature, which changes with the seasons, grows, matures just like her painting. Obvious and non-obvious landscapes, abstract elements of nature, mysterious simple ones that stop and encourage an internal dialogue. They contain an element of spirituality and connection with the universe. They are a kind of record of experiences and lessons learned. In good energy. Everyone will see in them as much as he is ready.
After seven years of living in the Netherlands and Germany, she now lives and works in Poland.
2022 – „Simple moments- sztuka we wnętrzu” Homehood, Oława, Poland,
2022 – „4 Pory roku” Gallery Oko, Oława, Poland,
2021 – „ Narodziny wewnętrznej mocy” Kinoteka Pałac Kultury i Nauki, Warsaw, Poland,
2020 – „Horizons” NH hotel, Zoetermeer, Holland,
2020 – „Horizons” Cafe Fabriek, Zoetermeer, Holland,
2019 – „Horizons” Galeria Blauw, Zaandam, Holland.
2021 – „Kobieca Strona Sztuki” Gallery Defabryka, Warsaw, Poland,
2019 – „Atelier Velasquez” Expo Klokgebouw, Eindhoven, Holland.
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