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Born in 1980. Skoczowianka of origin, lives and works in Częstochowa. Graphic designer, educator and mediator. Her works are in private collections in Poland, Austria, the UK, Sweden and the US. She participates in group exhibitions and art competitions. She runs her own studio, where she devotes herself entirely to her passion – creating.

A few years ago she turned her whole life upside down – at the age of 33 she quit her job and went to full-time art studies. Her beloved family – her husband and 9-year-old daughter cheered her on very much, and with their help she was able to fulfill her dream of creating. in 2016 She defended with distinction her bachelor’s degree in graphic design under the direction of Dr. Witolda Zaręby at the Academy name Jana Długosza in Częstochowa. As a result, she is now where she is – she has set up her own studio and creates prints in various printing techniques. Graphics are made by hand from start to finish, only in a few copies. She draws inspiration for her graphics from her love of nature, mountains and birds. It seeks constancy in the variability of the environment. Her goal is not to faithfully reproduce the view of nature but rather the impression she experiences when looking at it. She works intuitively and spontaneously, the graphic matrix is a field of unlimited possibilities for her. The colors of her graphics reflect her current state of mind and melancholy character. She values art printmaking most for its non-obviousness of the final result. Her colorful works are mainly created in linocut and monotype techniques.



2015 – Collective exhibition “Village, printmaking”, Municipal House of Culture, Radomsko, Poland;


2015/2017/2019 – Group exhibition “Traces of the black cat” 1,2,3 Museum of Match Production, Częstochowa, Poland;


2020 – post-competition exhibition “International Biennale of Miniature 11,” Gaude Mater Cultural Promotion Center, Czestochowa, Poland; Stanislaw Staszic Museum, Pila, Poland; 2021 – TEST Gallery, Warsaw, Poland; Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Tarnów, Poland; Nowohuckie Centrum Kulury, Krakow, Poland; Galeria Fotografii, Rzeszow, Poland; Galerie Brotzinger Art., Pforzheim, Germany;


2022 – Collective exhibition Art Review “Spring Salon”, Operis.Artis Gallery, Antonin, Poland; honorable mention for graphic design “Towards you I rise”;


2022 – post-competition exhibition “International Biennale of Miniature 12”, Gaude Mater Cultural Promotion Center, Częstochowa, Poland; Stanisław Staszic Museum, Piła, Poland; 2023 – Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych, Tarnów, Poland; Zagłębie Culture Palace Gallery, Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland; Szara Galeria CENTRUM, Nowa Huta Cultural Center, Kraków, Poland; Test Gallery, Mazowiecki Institute of Culture, Warsaw, Poland;


2022 – Individual exhibition “Spectacle” Municipal Art Gallery – Zwiastun Gallery, Częstochowa, Poland;


2022 – 47. Post-competition exhibition Winter Salon of the National Art Biennale in Radom, Mazovian Center for Contemporary Art “Elektrownia”, Radom, Poland;


2023 – Second prize of the Second Art Review “Spring Salon”, group exhibition, Operis.Artis Gallery, Antonin, Poland;

2023 – Individual exhibition “Wandering” ARTadres Gallery, Municipal Cultural Center “Integrator”, Skoczów, Poland;

2023 – Group exhibition “Feminatives – artist, author, creator” Gallery 3U10, Warsaw, Poland;

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