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Sabina Fabryczny's painting exhibition at the 3u10 gallery

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Taking part in the vernissage is a unique opportunity to commune with art in the company of its Creator, and to get acquainted with the investment potential of the presented works. The event is organized by the 3U10 Gallery, which specializes in analyzing the investment art market and trading in works of art.

Informacja o wystawie:


🥂 Vernissage: January 21, 2023 at 16:00

🗓Duration of the exhibition: January 21 – February 10, 2022

🕑Exhibition opening hours:

  • Monday-Friday: 12:00-20:00
  • Saturday: 10:00-18:00
  • Sunday: closed
  • the gallery is not open every week in the same way, so additionally please pay attention to the gallery’s working calendar

🎟Free entrance

📍Location: Galeria 3U10 (ul. Jana Karola Chodkiewicza 3/u10, 02-593 Warsaw, Mokotów)

About the artist:

Sabina Fabryczny was born in 1986 in Mysłowice. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. She defended her master’s degree in 2011 in the painting studio of prof. Kamil Kuskowski and in the fabric printing studio of prof. Krystyna Czajkowska. Laureate of the Young Art Biennale “Rybie Oko 6” and the scholarship competition “Artistic Index of Hestia”.

“The great masters of painting, studying nature, explored the mystery of light and space, trying to create their illusion on the canvas.

Sabina Fabryczny is an example of a painter fascinated by light.
Her paintings emanate an inner light that causes the image to tremble before the viewer’s eyes.
The most frequently depicted female silhouettes are on the verge of representation and abstraction.

The surface of the canvas is most often built with one or two color dominants, which gives the image unity and clarity, and the use of glazes allows for the extraction of depth and spatiality on its plane. Deformation and conscious framing of the figures are used to add a new dimension to the existing reality, and the rich color scale used with sensitivity gives the viewer the opportunity to enjoy these charming works.”

prof. Jarosław Chrabąszcz


2021: Group exhibition “Window to Art”, Mysłowice Cultural Centre, Mysłowice.

2017: Group exhibition “Three Graces”, Clakier Caffe, Teatr Wielki, Łódź.

2012: Group exhibition “Academy of Fine Arts Yearbook: 2011-best diplomas”.

2012: Individual exhibition of works, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk

2012: Honorable mention “Biennale Sztuki Młodych-Rybie Oko 6”, Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art, Słupsk.

2010: Group exhibition: “New Ornament”, Central Museum of Textiles, Łódź.

2009: Individual exhibition of drawings, Galeria Widok, Łódź.

2009: Group exhibition: “Me, here and now”, Scheibler’s Factory, Łódź.

2009: Group exhibition “The Art of Portrait”, Library of the Łódź University of Technology, Łódź.

2007: Group exhibition “267”, BWA, Piotrków Trybunalski.

2005: Winner of the “Artistic Index of Hestia” competition.

2005: Grand Prix at the International Festival of Drawing, Zabrze.

You’re welcome!


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