



acrylic on canvas

Rok powstania:

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50x60 cm



Cena: zł
Price: zł

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Kilka słów od Autora

A few words from the Author

When the intention becomes connection, new experiences come that help heal the relationship with ourselves and, further, with the world. Do you know what coexistence is?

Do you ever think about why we destroy the nature around us? Asking such questions is at the core of deep ecology, based on the belief that we, humans, are not the center of the world, but one of its coexisting elements. It’s important to see and understand our connections to nature, our coexistence with other beings. This is necessary so that we can build a better world for all, with more care and deep respect.

This deep understanding becomes easier when we open our hearts to connect with nature. The need for this connection is not just a cliché, nonsense, or one of the options. We need it very much. Our lives need it, so they can be happier, more harmonious, conscious, and built on deep mutual respect. Also for ourselves. For the people around us. For the beings that cannot tell us who they are or how they feel.

We will only hear their voice when our hearts begin to listen.

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